Friday, December 24, 2004


I just got back from the christmas eve service at my church. The house is so family isn't home quite yet. I came in the door and my dog greeted me but there was no talking, no singing, no nothing. Something I'm not quite used to but nice just the same. The day has been filled with so much hustle and craziness. Shopping to do....cookies to bake....presents to wrap....and now it's just quiet. For a few more minutes....then my sister will dance in the door and my brothers will come in laughing about something. My parents will follow. We'll hang the stockings, probably make apple cider, and watch a christmas movie. Christmas the way I know it will begin....I like the quiet that is right now....but at the same time I can't wait!

1 comment:

Shannon George said...

cookies to bake??? heheheheheh lol... is this supposed to be a joke...shannon