Wednesday, June 14, 2006

my transparency

I've been meaning to blog this for quite some time but I couldn't blog it right away because Susy and Neil hadn't told everyone. Lately I've had no excuse...just the fact that I keep forgetting.

A few weeks ago Jimmy and I were at my house just doing whatever. We were going to go out with all of our friends to the drive in and I guess we were just killing time. After a while Susy and Neil called and said they were going up to Jimmy's house so we went up to hang out with them for a while. When we got there we saw Susy's ring. I was sooooo excited. After a while Jimmy and I left to pick up Shannon and Susy and Neil went to pick up Aaron. They told me DON'T TELL SHANNON!!!!! So we were on our way into town with Shannon and I could not stop smiling. When we were walking into Boston Pizza Shannon asked me why I had such a big grin on my face. I didn't really say anything but then she said "they're not engaged are they?" WOW!!!! I felt so bad but it was kind of funny. Shannon can always read me but apparently I'm really transparent. So Susy and Neil got to tell Aaron...but not Shannon.

So the moral of the story is...if you have really BIG news...don't tell me first


Neil said...

I second that motion. Just like telling a certain someone Susy had something important to ask him. Ahh Mel the see-thru-one.

Melody said...

i just wanted to know if she had asked him...i didn't say it was important...

Becka said...

thats exciting