Tuesday, June 20, 2006

this and that

On Thursday I forgot I had a counselor appointment at school. I was sitting in class when I remembered. I had to rebook. Monday I forgot to take out the garbage. I remembered about one hour too late. It seems that forgetting registration was only the beginning...

I have been studying so much lately. My brain feels so full of Kineisiology that there is almost no room for anything else. Jimmy is helping me by quizzing me. He remembers almost as much as I do...and he's not even trying. I have my test today and then I can have a break for a couple of days. I'm really looking forward to that.

Last night we were watching the hockey game at Jimmy's house. He didn't give up on Edmonton till there were only 8 seconds left on the clock. I was laughing at him but that's one thing I really like about Jimmy...he never gives up on anyone...ever.

On Saturday I was working at Cloverdale at the Indo Canadian Women's Festival. It was a very long day but still pretty fun. For a while it was getting really busy...I needed another one of me doing my job...but it made the day go fast because I kept having to run from the front of the lot to the back...and trying to make sure that they weren't parking in the middle of the road!!!!

Tomorrow Jimmy and I get to help Susan paint the church office. I never really had much experience with painting until I had to do a bunch while setting up for the Cloverdale Rodeo. Whenever they had painting to do I always got to do it...and I loved it!!! My dad is very good at painting and my brother does it for a living. He is one of the best painters I've ever seen. Whenever there is painting to do at home I am never allowed to touch the paintbrush. My brother always does it. I think that when I get my own place I'm going to go painting crazy!!!

So my life has basically been Jimmy, work, Jimmy, school, and Jimmy. Not that you all didn't know that :)


James Goudie said...

you know more than i do in kineisiology. I can't even say half the words properly. you are smart.

Susy said...

Maybe JImmy should start quixxing you on wneh garbage day is, and when you appointments are :-)

Susy said...

that's quizzing not quxxing

Neil said...

Hey save some Jimmy for the rest of us already.

Sue said...

psst...that's one of the things I like about Jimmy too :)