Monday, September 11, 2006


So...I have finished my first week of school and I'm about to start my second. I'm enjoying it more than I thought I would. I guess it's just nice to be busy again. My kiniesiology (KPE) class is going to be really hard. My teacher said it is one of the hardest KPE courses that UCFV offers. YIPEE!!! As my KPE lab teacher says "anatomoy and physiology is like taking a drink from a fire hydrant." YIKES!!! I'm already starting to study though so hopefully it won't be too bad. I also have philosophy which is going to be really easy...I've already learned a lot of the stuff we are doing this semester and most of it seems to be common sense. Today I have my first psychology class so I'll find out what that will be like soon.

I had to work all a lot this weekend. Thursday and Friday night I did heavy duty housecleaning. Mostly this involved vaccuming all of the booths. I don't mind doing that kind of work. The vaccum is heavy but at least I keep busy. Saturday during the day I did light duty housecleaning. Just checking on washrooms that are already clean and stocked and checking garbages that are not even half full. To top it all the bordom off I was feeling really sick for most of the day. I went to the OFA and got some motrin but it didn't work and I ended up going home a few hours early. I always hate doing that. I don't like leaving the other people with the work.

Yesterday was a really fun day. Church was in the park and the weather was so beautiful. After church I went out for lunch and then to a movie with my friends. Shannon was getting baptized in the evening so we all went up to Hayward Lake to see her get dunked. Peter took me up on his bike. It was fun going on all the winding roads. Then we all went to Jimmy's house to watch the season premier of Simpsons and Family Guy. A perfect end to a perfect day.

1 comment:

Susan Kirchmayer said...

sounds like a fun day.....