Thursday, December 08, 2005


At UCFV there is this black board in one of the hallways. People write things on it or draw pictures. It's basically just for fun. The other day I noticed that someone had writtten, "science proves that God doesn't exist." I thought that was kind of funny. The way I look at science proves that God does exist. The more I learn the more I realize that there is no way that we could have just happened by chance.....or that we evolved from snails. Did you know that a typical human cell has about 2 meters of DNA? This length is about 250,000 times greater than the cell's diameter. Before a cell divides all of this DNA must be copied (and still all fit into that same cell). Then the two copies of DNA have to be separated so that each of the two new cells is identical. Amazing. DNA is made out of bases.....A,T,G, and C. If you were to print the one letter symbols for these bases the size of the letters you are reading now, the information in one cell would fill 1200 of my biology text books.....and let me tell you that it is a huge book!!!! And that is only the information in one cell. There are billions of cells in our bodies. Imagine the coordiantion that would take. There is so much more out there to think about that it boggles my mind. How everything works and fits is too much to just have happened. Something had to have created it. Someone has to tell the cells to divide. How would they know to do it otherwise. Something has to tell the geese to fly south every winter. God is in everything.....just look around.


Anonymous said...

So what your trying to say is 'God prooves science doesn't exsist'?

Melody said...

not at all. science is studying life....which God made.

Miss-buggy said...

I think God is the one who created those to discover the science of all this. I agree Mel. Someone had to create it all. It didn't just appear out of thin air.
I have been thinking alot about that since pregnant. Sure our DNA created this little bean but God did all the major work to progress it and to help the baby grow. There is no way science did it on it's own. THere is always a creator and no one bigger or better then God. Amazes me daily.