Wednesday, August 30, 2006


It is now official. I need a place to live by the end of september. My brother is going to move into a house with some friends and he is leaving me homeless :( I've had a couple of offers but one of them leaves me with no bedroom and the other I don't feel would work out. I guess I'm not completely stuck...I'd just like to try and find something else. I'm a very poor student so I can't afford to live by myself...not to mention that would be sooooo boring!!! I'm kind of excited...I like moving. I enjoy the change...I like setting up a new space. I will just be more excited when I figure out where I'm going.

I think winter is going to come early this year. The spiders have started invading. YUK!!! Last night I was sitting on my bedroom floor sorting my scrapbook paper (yes I'm a freak) when a huge, hairy wolf spider came running across my floor straight towards me. I jumped onto my bed and screamed for my brother but I guess he was already asleep (or ignoring me) because he didn't answer. I grabbed my scrapbook and dropped it right onto the spider. I just left the scrapbook there all day. I just asked my brother to take the spider out for me so he got out of bed and took care of it...I didn't want to look at it. I have such a nice brother. I guess I'll forgive him for leaving me homeless.

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