Thursday, October 21, 2004

ha ha ha

I had the funniest thing happen the other day. Actually, more than one. I was at school and I had just gotten to my class when I realized I had locked my keys in my car. I was just trying to figure out what to do when one of my friends walked in. I told her what I had done. She suggested I look in my wallet to see if I had an extra key. Luckily I did have an extra key. I don't know why I didn't think of that myself. I was the one who put the key in there in the first place. Well anyway, after class was over I went out to my car, got in, and started to leave the parking lot. The lady in front of me stopped and got out of her car. She seemed to be trying to tell me something. So I unrolled my window and she said that my binder was on top of my car. So then I had to get out of my car to get my binder while the girl behind me was laughing. I was kind of embarrased but it was funny too. What a day!! I guess it was just one of those blonde moments.
When I said that I got embarrased that reminded me of something one of my friends did. He walked into work and his manager and the area manager was there. They were talking for a while when the area manager mentioned that my friends fly was down. He just laughed and said some smart comment about putting on a show for them or something. If that had been me I would have been so embarrased!!

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