Thursday, October 28, 2004


I went to my sister's music concert last nite. Most of it was kind of boring but I found that I really miss being up there performing. I saw my sister up on stage singing and playing her tuba and remembered when that was me, except that I didn't play the tuba. When I was in high school I took as many music classes as I could fit into my time table, as well as all of the extra ciricular ones. And although I loved the classes the concerts were the best! Music was such a huge part of my life for so long and now that it isn't so much I miss it. I still sing in the car or when my mom plays the piano and I still bring out my guitar and my saxophone every once in a while but it's not quite the same. On father's day my sister, my dad, and I sang a song at my parent's church. I was so nervous because I had a little solo but I loved every moment of it. We're going to sing another song or two at christmas so I'm looking forward to that too. It's not the same though. Music isn't every aspect of my life as it once was. I think I'm just being lazy and/or school I pretty much had music fed to me. Now I have to work for it and actually make time to do it.

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