Wednesday, September 29, 2004


A few evenings ago I was watching 7th Heaven and they were talking about love. The need to be able to love yourself before you can really love in a relationship. It is not good to depend on other people for love. I'm not saying that you don't need love from other people....because I think you do...but just not to depend completely on it. I don't believe that loving yourself means that you should never be upset with yourself. God loves us so much, but he still can't stand many of the things we do. Sometimes the people I love drive me crazy. I don't care what they do though....I will still love them. Often, in fact, it's the people I love that let me down the most.
It also talked about figuring out what your dreams are and going for it.....not to get sidetracked by things that won't really matter. Don't give up your dreams for a relationship but maybe bring the two together. When the people I love support me in my dreams it couldn't make me happier. I'm really blessed to have so many people in my life that love me and support me and in turn help me to love myself.


Susan Kirchmayer said...

you are blessed with good friends. te amo mucho.

James Goudie said...

i think its mucha susan. because you are directing it to melody. Its gender specific. I was talking with my sister about that one hehe