Tuesday, September 21, 2004


I'm feeling so overwhelmed right now. Even though I love school it is so much work. I hardly have time for anything else except school and work. There is so much other stuff happening but I'm not able to sort through it because my mind is in chemistry mode. I can't think......it feels as though I am simply just existing. I've always gotten tired easily and so now I am just exhausted all the time. It's beginning to get so I can't even concentrate on my school work....and it's only september. I'm going to need to figure out a way to balance out my life and still get everything done. Sometimes I just feel like crying and I don't really have a reason except for the fact that life is so overwhelming. I love being busy but this is just crazy. I'm sure I'll get used to it....this is just a transitional phase or something. I'm not sad or depressed or angry, just overwhelmed.......so I suppose it's not really that bad.

1 comment:

Susan Kirchmayer said...

just give yourself time to adjust and don't feel guilty about it.