Sunday, September 19, 2004

street church

Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!! That was so awesome! I just got back from street church and it was so perfect. I don't know why I didn't go before this. The freedom.....dancing and jumping and singing. It was simply amazing. I didn't know if I would dance cuz I'm pretty shy and stuff but once I got up there I couldn't stop. Maybe one day I'll never know. I already can't wait till the next street church. I've never been there before but I over heard other people talking about how much it has grown. That's so cool. Well that's enough of my rant tonite. I'm tired....but I don't know if I will be able to sleep.


Susan Kirchmayer said...

awesome. so glad you decided to come mel.

Susy said...

now you know why i've been ranting about street church