Sunday, September 12, 2004


I've often wondered how it feels to be different from me. Like the first snow fall of the winter. I get so excited I almost cry. I wonder if other people feel this way too; maybe not about snow but about other things. Do other people get that same tingling in their scalp when something really touches them. And do other people get so happy that they feel like shouting and running and jumping around in circles. Am I the only one that gets completely amazed everytime they hear that song, "make a joyful noise" (i think that's what it is called). Or maybe it's another song that does it for them. Do other people actually feel God hug them. If you don't it's the most amazing feeling in the world. It makes me cry sometimes. I guess I'll never know what it feels like to be different from me.It seems like something too difficult to explain. I love being me. Even though it is sometimes really hard I wouldn't trade being me for the world.

1 comment:

James Goudie said...

today at church I was getting goose bumps when they played the songs. as well as when scott was talking. I also felt a tear in one eye, but hide it well. but for real, it was an awesome service today.

I love it when it snows too. This year though I have to actually buy snow tires for my car. last year i had my jeep and it was ready for the snow. I am not prepared this year.