Sunday, August 08, 2004


If you see something you want
And do not do everything in your
power to reach for it
You are basically just slapping
life in the face

As long as God agrees with me of course. But sometimes I don't know what God wants. It would be nice if he had this loud speaker and everytime I have a question he would blare the answer in my ear. Sometimes I think that God agrees with me but how am I to be sure. I mean people always say, "look in the Bible." Well, I'm sorry but the Bible does not answer every question in the world. It deals with many things but there are some things it does not mention. Like what school to go to or who to marry or what to do about my dog. I guess that's why people make so many mistakes. There have been times where I thought I was right but it turned out that I wasn't. It's just so confusing. I know that God won't leave me in the dust though, so even when I do make another mistake I know he will be there to brush me off and set me straight again.

1 comment:

James Goudie said...

I'm baaack....

I had to respond, only because I feel the same way at times. but you know what. god does tell us in subtle ways. Let me ask you a question. If you saw a bug wiggling away like it was hurt, what would you do? Would you let it keep wiggling and laugh like its funny until it died? or would you just put it down so it wouldn't have to go through the pain and suffering to die? It may seem crule to some people, but i would personally stomp on it right away if it was suffering, so that it didnt' have to die in pain. I don't think a living thing should have to suffer before it dies. Now this is different in some ways. if a creature that was large enough to handle it got hurt, i would probably rush it to the vet and see what they can do for him. if they can't do much, i'd have them put the animal down. If a human got hurt, iw ould rush them to the hospital. If doctors told me that he may never come out of his coma or whatever, i may choose to have him removed from life support. so that he can be with god. its a hard choice and i may think different when the time comes, but thats what i feel right now. As for school, I think you have to look to your heart. pray about it. god will drop subtle hints. at least thats how i think god talks to me. subtle tips. or he just messes with my mind making me think of stuff when I dont' really want to. He is talking with you, but maybe not directly. that is how i think about it anyway. sorry if i may be off line or something.